CSCI 271                        Thacker

Title: Sparse Array

Description: In many mathematical and engineering applications, a huge array is used, but many (well over half) of the entries are 0.  Rather than declare an array of the huge size, you will create a data structure where only the number of non-zero items have allocated space.  For this project, we will store the items in a Binary Sort Tree.

Details:  You will create a class that uses a Binary Sort Tree to hold the non-zero items in a sparse array.  As well as the value, the index/subscript needs to be stored.  For efficiency reasons, the items should be stored in subscript order.


Main: Your main will read in a sparse array of data (defined as subscript value pair of values), store them into the sparse array, then print out the sum of the first 1,000 elements of the array, many of which may be 0. There may be more or less than 1,000 items in the sparse array (not the first 1000 items in the tree) and the largest subscript may be larger or smaller than 1,000.  Then at the end, invoke your Print-All method to show what is in your tree.